Thursday, September 11, 2008

Catch UP!

So, I am doing a catch up blog of everything going on right now. Craig is super duper busy. He takes command this saturday and is so excited, even though he tries to under play all that. He's also coaching pee wee football and is loving it. He's really done great things for the kids and they love him. He is such a natural born leader, he can't help but make an impact. He is of course loving his job still and it seems he can't get enough.

Jeb is doing great in school, still loving it. He had early release yesterday and was so bummed about it. He wanted to stay longer and he hates the weekends. I think he must have a blast. His teacher is definately on our christmas list. His energy still amazes me.

Chloe is Chloe, she melts our hearts constantly and is a crack up just like her brother. They love to play together and have a great time. Chloe still cries everyday when Jeb goes to school. She hates it. I think things will be better when the baby comes, which she is so excited for. She kisses my belly all the time and says I love you baby Wyatt. Of course she might change her mind once my attention changes directions. We are having so much fun during the day when its just the two of us.

I'm doing pretty great. I'm keeping pretty busy with relief Society, crafting, sewing and trying to finish up all my projects before the baby comes. I live off a list. We are slowly getting there and it feels so good. It's nice to have our home feel like us. My belly is starting to get huge and baby is so active(of course following his bro and sis). I hate that my mind and body are on different wave lengths. My mind thinks it can accomplish twice as much as my body does. I'm also getting exited for the holiday season coming up. I took the kids to the craft store and they found these fun halloween masks so we brought them home and whipped them up. It's fun to have them getting older and wanting to do crafts with mom.


'T' said...

I didn't know your next baby was a boy! Congrats! When are you due? Sounds like things are going well! Love TINIEL

Natalie said...

You remind me so much of your Mom and Grandma Panter, always busy making some craft or sewing. I am in awe of people that sew, it's just not me. Give me scrapbook paper or a room to decorate and I can go to town. So I will keep the sewing to Target and Kohls...ha ha.
The girls really enjoy seeing pics of Jeb and Chloe.
Take care.